Laboratory for Anxiety & Depression Research
News & Awards
Selected Awards of Current and Former Students ​
2024(Updated as of November 3th, 2024)​
Best Departmental Paper Award (Jeremy Schwob).
Spring 2024 Penn State Graduate Student International Travel Grant. (Gavin Rackoff)
National University of Singapore Presidential Young Professor (Nur Hani Zainal) This is a named professorship.
Alumni Association Dissertation Award (Gavin Rackoff)
Best Clinical Paper Award (Irene Baik)
Research and Graduate Studies Office (RGSO) Dissertation Support Award, (Gavin Rackoff) Pennsylvania State University
NUS–Overseas Postdoctoral Fellowship (OPF) – A fellowship that supports Singaporeans for their Ph.D. studies and post-doctoral fellowship, who have a strong likelihood for success within an academic career to serve as a tenure- track assistant professor (conducting research, teaching, and clinical supervision) at NUS starting July 2024.
Paper selected as Editor’s choice by the European Psychiatric Association “Life satisfaction prevents cognitive decline: Latent change score analyses across 23 years”
International Society for Research on Internet Interventions Best Poster Award (Gavin Rackoff).
Ellen V. Piers Graduate Scholarship in Clinical Psychology (Jeremy Schwob).
Best Clinical Paper Award (Gavin Rackoff)
ADAA CDLP Award (Ki Eun Shin)
ADAA CDLP Award (Hanjoo Kim)
ADAA CDLP Award (Nur Hani Zainal)
ABCT student travel award (Nur Hani Zainal)
National University of Singapore Development Grant (SGD $10,000) (Nur Hani Zainal)
APA Division 29 Student Excellence in Teaching/Mentorship Award (Nur Hani Zainal)
Eric A. Walker Award. The award is presented annually to the student who has contributed most to enhancing the reputation of the University through extracurricular activities (Anibal (A.J.) Rodriguez)
Best Clinical Paper Award (Gavin Rackoff)
Honorable Mention Best Departmental Paper award (Nur Hani Zainal)
Charles N. Cofer Memorial Award in Psychology and Student Marshall (Emma Win)
Mona Shibley Bird Memorial Scholarship in Psychology (Shuangshuang (Sydney Thiem))
Mona Shibley Bird Memorial Scholarship in Psychology (Shuangshuang (Danielle) Chen))
Costello Family Scholarship in Psychology (Kaitlin Mazor)
Costello Family Scholarship in Psychology (Emma Win)
Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy Leonard Krasner Student Dissertation Award (Nur Hani Zainal).​
Federation of Associations in Behavioral & Brain Sciences (FABBS) Doctoral Dissertation Research Excellence Award 2019-20 This award is to acknowledge and honor graduate student scientists who have conducted doctoral dissertation research of superior scientific quality and broader societal impact. (Nur Hani Zainal) http://fabbs.org/honoring-our-scientists/research-excellence-awards/doctoral-dissertation/
Peter T. Lukie Award for Outstanding Research in Social and Behavioral Science. Undergraduate research award given to a junior at Penn State (Danielle Chen).
2020-2021 – Susan Welch/Nagle Family Graduate Fellowship-awarded to a Penn State graduate student exhibiting academic excellence in a program within the College of the Liberal Arts (Nur Hani Zainal).
American Psychological Association, Society for the Science of Clinical Psychology Distinguished Dissertation Award in Clinical Psychology award for excellence, innovation, and commitment to research demonstrated by a dissertation in clinical psychology (Lucas LaFreniere).
​2019-2020 – Sigma Chi Madson Graduate Scholarship (USD $1,000) (Jeremy Schwob)
Inducted into Phi Kappa Phi honor society for performing in the top 10% of doctoral students across all disciplines (Lucas LaFreniere).
Singapore-based LBKM Prestigious scholarship. (Nur Hani Zainal).
National University of Singapore Development Grant (SGD $10,000) (Nur Hani Zainal).
National University of Singapore-Overseas Graduate Scholarship (Nur Hani Zainal) A scholarship that supports Singaporeans with a high likelihood for a career in academia following their doctoral studies and post-doctoral fellowship, eventually serving as a tenure-track faculty member in a clinical PhD program at NUS by mid-2024.
American Psychological Association, Division 29 Student Excellence in Teaching and Mentoring Award (Ki Eun Shin).
Pennsylvania State University Research and Graduate Studies Office (RGSO) Dissertation Support Award (Nur Hani Zainal).
College of Liberate Arts – Superior Teaching and Research Award (Ki Eun Shin)
College of Liberate Arts – Superior Teaching and Research Award (Nur Hani Zainal)
Honorable Mention Best Departmental Paper Award (Nur Hani Zainal)
Penn State University Best Clinical Paper Award (Nur Hani Zainal)
Singapore-based LBKM Merit scholarship. (Nur Hani Zainal).
Harold F. Martin Graduate Assistant Outstanding Teaching Award. (Luc LaFreniere)
Federation of Associations in Behavioral & Brain Sciences (FABBS) Doctoral Dissertation Research Excellence Award 2017-18 This award is to acknowledge and honor graduate student scientists who have conducted doctoral dissertation research of superior scientific quality and broader societal impact. (Nick Jacobson) http://fabbs.org/honoring-our-scientists/research-excellence-awards/doctoral-dissertation/
Penn State University Outstanding Graduate Student Teacher Award, Pennsylvania State University Department of Psychology (Luc LaFreniere)
Penn State University Outstanding Publication by a Graduate Student, Pennsylvania State University Department of Psychology (Nick Jacobson).
Research and Graduate Studies Office (RGSO) Dissertation Support Award, (Ki Eun Shin) Pennsylvania State University.
Penn State University Best Clinical Paper Award (Ki Eun Shin)
Penn State University College of the Liberal Arts Raymond Lombra Graduate Student Award for Excellence in Research in the Social Sciences (Nick Jacobson).
Penn State University College of Liberal Arts Superior Teaching and Research Award (Luc LaFreniere).
Singapore-based LBKM Merit Scholarship. (Nur Hani Zainal).
Singapore-based LBKM Merit scholarship (SGD$7,500). (Hani Zainal)
Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy Anxiety Disorders Special Interest Group Best Poster Award (Luc LaFreniere)
National Science Foundation Rising Star Award (Aaron Fisher)
Singapore-based LBKM Merit scholarship (SGD$7,500). (Hani Zainal)
Outstanding Publication by a Graduate Student, Department of Psychology, Pennsylvania State University (Luc LaFreniere).
Marty Murphy Award for Excellence in Clinical Psychology (Luc LaFreniere).
Anxiety and Depression Association of America poster selected for a guided poster tour (Hanjoo Kim).
Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy Dissemination SIG, Best Poster Award for Efficacy and Effectiveness of CBT-Based Online Guided Self-Help Programs to Reduce Anxiety Among Students in Indian Universities (Nitya Kanuri)
Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy Leonard Krasner Dissertation Award (Lauren Szkodny).
American Psychological Association Society for the Science of Clinical Psychology Distinguished Dissertation Award (Lauren Szkodny).
Marty Murphy Award for Excellence in Clinical Psychology (Nick Jacobson).
Honorable Mention, Society for Personality Assessment for Presenting “Using an ecological momentary assessment approach to examine the relationship between neuroticism and conscientiousness and variability in constructive and unconstructive thought processes” (Lauren Szkodny. Nick Jacobson)
Honorable Mention, Association for the Psychological Science Student Caucus Student Research Awards for Presenting “The Temporal Relationship Between Anxiety and Depression: A Meta-Analysis (Nick Jacobson).
Research and Graduate Studies Office (RGSO) Dissertation Support Award, The Pennsylvania State University (Lauren Szkodny).
International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS) Student Research Grant (Lauren Szkodny).
Donald A. Trumbo Psychology Department Student Research Fund – Dissertation Support (Lauren Szkodny).
Sole Honorable Mention in the 2012 American Psychological Association Division 1 Anne Anastasi Award for a student with less than two years of graduate study (Nick Jacobson).
Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Anxiety Sig Best Student Poster Award (Lauren Szkodny, Nick Jacobson).
Child Intervention, Prevention & Services (CHIPS) Fellowship (Amy Przeworski).
College of Liberal Arts Dissertation Support Grant (Aaron Fisher).
Salometrics Graduate Student Research Award (Aaron Fisher).
American Psychological Foundation COGDOP Graduate Research Fellowship (Aaron Fisher).
Outstanding Publication By a Graduate Student, Pennsylvania State University (Aaron Fisher).
Graduate Teaching Fellowship, The Pennsylvania State University (Sandra Llera)
Diversity Research Fellowship (Sandra Llera)
Outstanding Graduate Student in Women's Studies Award (Srijana Shresta).
Outstanding Publication By a Graduate Student, Pennsylvania State University (Aaron Fisher).
Diversity Research Fellowship (Srijana Shresta).
Research and Graduate Studies Office, Pennsylvania State University Semester Release (Srijana Shresta).
Psi Chi Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award (Aaron Fisher).
North American Society of Psychotherapy Research Laura N. Rice Memorial Award (Aaron Fisher).
Nagle Family Graduate Fellowship, Pennsylvania State University (Aaron Fisher).
Herman Goffberg Memorial Fund Research Award, The Pennsylvania State University (Aaron Fisher).
Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Anxiety Sig Best Student Poster Award (Sandra Llera).
Eileen and Hershel Leibowitz Fund Grant (Srijana Shresta).
Research and Graduate Studies Office (RGSO) Dissertation Award, The Pennsylvania State University (Srijana Shresta).
Jhamandas Watumull Fund Tuition Grant-in Aid (Srijana Shresta).
American Association of University Women’s International Dissertation Fellowship (Srijana Shresta).
Psi Chi Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award (Sandra Llera).
NIH Student Loan Repayment Fellowship (Christine Molnar).
Summer Workshop in fMRI Informatics Award (Christine Molnar).
Research and Graduate Studies Office Dissertation Award, The Pennsylvania State University (Thane Erickson).
Bruce V. Moore Dissertation Award, The Pennsylvania State University (Amy Przeworski).
Teaching Fellowship, The Pennsylvania State University (Amy Przeworski).
2004-2005 – Weiss Graduate Scholar Fellowship (Thane Erickson)
Research and Graduate Studies Office Dissertation Award, The Pennsylvania State University (Thane Erickson).
Research and Graduate Studies Office Dissertation Award, The Pennsylvania State University (Amy Przeworski).
American Psychological Association Society for the Science of Clinical Psychology Dissertation Grant (Amy Przeworski).
Student Marshall, Penn State University Top Graduate in Psychology (Jason Moser).
Marty Murphy Award for Excellence in Clinical Psychology (Amy Przeworski).
Weiss Graduate Scholar Fellowship (Thane Erickson)
Pennsylvania Psychological Association Student Book Award (Andrea. Zuellig).
Carolyn Sherif Memorial Fund Award (Andrea Zuellig)
Media Attention and Published Interviews
New York Times (August 19, 2024) How to Strengthen Your Happiness Muscle: Psychologists call it reward sensitivity. And simple steps can help you boost your drive to seek out positive emotions and enjoy life. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/08/19/well/mind/happiness-emotions-reward-sensitivity.html?smid=url-share
Time Magazine (June 10, 2024). Do Less. It’s Good for You https://time.com/6981061/relaxation-health-benefits/
Medium (July 25, 2023) It’s Time to End the War On ‘Negative’ Emotions https://medium.com/the-nuance/its-time-to-end-the-war-on-negative-emotions-15de810e4283
Health Magazine (June 23, 2023)
Penn State News (May 17, 2023) Perception of human emotion in movement focus of $2 million NSF grant. https://www.psu.edu/news/information-sciences-and- technology/story/perception-human-emotion-movement-focus-2-million-nsf/
Scientific American. (April 5, 2023). Personality Can Change from One Hour to the Next.https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/personality-can-change-from-one-hour-to- the-next/
Medium (April 28, 2022). The Case Against Prescription Antidepressants: Experts still don’t know how they work, and new research finds little evidence of long-term benefit. https://medium.com/@mheidj/the-case-against-prescription-antidepressants- f2834705017c
Drug Discovery News (March 22, 2022) Virtual reality is the latest trend in digital therapeutics. https://www.drugdiscoverynews.com/virtual-reality-is-the-latest-trend-in- digital-therapeutics-15368
The New York Times (December 16, 2021) Worry Burnout is Real https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/16/well/worry-burnout-covid.html
WPSU story (December 16, 2021). How Penn State Students Say COVID Affected Their Mental Health. https://radio.wpsu.org/2021-12-16/how-penn-state-students-say-the-pandemic-has-affected-their-mental-healthhttps://radio.wpsu.org/2021-12-16/how-penn-state-students-say-the-pandemic-has-affected-their-mental-health
WIRED (interviewed October 26, 2021). Virtual reality as a treatment for anxiety disorders.
The New York Times (interviewed September 16, 2021). How to know you no longer need therapy.
The New York Times (April 23, 2021) Can We Learn to Live With Germs Again? The health of our bodies and microbiomes may depend on society’s return to lifestyles that expose us to bacteria, despite the risks. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/23/opinion/covid-germs-health.html
Psychology Today (March/April 2021). The Worry Defense: For people with anxiety, worry may prevent sudden drops in mood—but at a cost (pp 30-31).
Elemental (February 10, 2021). Why Mental Self-Awareness Is Good for Your Brain https://elemental.medium.com/why-mental-self-awareness-is-good-for-your-brain-a6edc84ab01b
Psychology Today blog (December 28, 2020) An Alternative Theory of Generalized Anxiety Disorder: People with GAD worry a lot. But what do they actually fear? https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/insight-therapy/202012/alternative-theory-generalized-anxiety-disorder
Medium (December 27, 2020). Worry Is Deceitful: 91.4% of Your Worries Will Not Come True. https://medium.com/curious/worry-is-deceitful-91-4-of-your-worries-will-not-come-true-18ec27489b06
Elemental (November 3, 2020). Today Feels Impossible. Here’s How Science Suggests We Cope. https://elemental.medium.com/today-feels-impossible-heres-how-science-suggests-we-cope-15f3e781778b
Newsmax (August 27, 2020). Don't let anxiety become debilitating: Overcoming negative expectations by confronting Your Fears. https://www.newsmax.com/wendylpatrick/aada-gad-worries/2020/08/27/id/984154/
Psychology Today (August 26, 2020) Feeling anxious? Try this reality check. Overcome negative expectations by facing your fears. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/why-bad-looks-good/202008/feeling-anxious-try-reality-check
Medium (August 13, 2020) Relaxing Your Muscles Can Relax Your Mind: Progressive muscle relaxation therapy is one of the simplest science-backed treatments for anxiety https://elemental.medium.com/relaxing-your-muscles-can-relax-your-mind-50466e20de9d
Penn State Collegian (July 20, 2020). “How has the coronavirus impacted the Penn State community's mental health?” https://www.collegian.psu.edu/news/campus/article_70b10b90-ca22-11ea-8d53-8be62ebdc785.html
Time Magazine (appeared in print only on March 27, 2020). "The Science of Anxiety"
Medium (March 19, 2020) Science Explains Why Uncertainty Is So Hard on Our Brain https://elemental.medium.com/science-explains-why-uncertainty-is-so-hard-on-our-brain-6ac75938662
Living Magazine (January 27, 2020) Dispel the heat of stress with relaxation techniques to enter the chill zone. https://www.livingmagazine.net/cool-off/
The Paper Gown (January 15, 2020). For some people, relaxing makes anxiety worse https://thepapergown.zocdoc.com/some-anxious-people-get-more-anxious-when-they-try-to-relax/
PsyPost (January 9, 2020). Psychology research uncovers how relaxation can induce anxiety in those with generalized anxiety disorder https://www.psypost.org/2020/01/psychology-research-uncovers-how-relaxation-can-induce-anxiety-in-those-with-generalized-anxiety-disorder-55195
The Guardian (December 2019). No tricks. No mantras. I just want to learn how to do nothing’: my quest to stay still https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2019/dec/27/learn-how-to-do-nothing
Daily Collegian (November 7, 2019). Penn State professor Michelle Newman's research examines why people worry https://www.collegian.psu.edu/news/campus/article_730c88f8-0108-11ea-9aa5-dbffbfaa1c27.html
her (November 6, 2019). It's not just you – trying to relax while anxious can make it worse, finds study. https://www.her.ie/health/trying-relax-anxious-can-make-worse-finds-study-485545
Forge (November 5, 2019). Why Trying to Relax Is So Damn Stressful. https://forge.medium.com/why-trying-to-relax-is-so-damn-stressful-811a5b772cb
11 Alive (October 2019). Relaxation techniques may cause you to feel more anxious study finds. https://youtu.be/k92Ha_2Xxug
AccuWeather (October 30, 2019). Top weather phobias explored: Millions of Americans experience these weather fears. https://www.accuweather.com/en/weather-news/top-weather-phobias-explored-millions-of-americans-experience-these-weather-fears/342253
hindustantimes (October 18, 2019). Does relaxing make you anxious? https://www.hindustantimes.com/health/does-relaxing-make-you-anxious/story-VJu9RDXtIQg90IOR9srbdI.html
Cosmopolitan (October 17, 2019). Trying to relax can actually make anxiety worse, suggests new study https://www.cosmopolitan.com/uk/body/health/a29496685/relaxation-anxiety-mental-health-study/
Study Finds (October 17, 2019). Relaxation Techniques Cause Many With Anxiety To Feel Even Worse, Study Finds. https://www.studyfinds.org/relaxation-techniques-cause-many-with-anxiety-to-feel-worse/
Medical Daily (October 16, 2019) Why Relaxation Is Bad For Constant Worriers https://www.medicaldaily.com/why-relaxation-bad-constant-worriers-444510
Mbg (October 15, 2019). Does Relaxing Make You Anxious? Here's Why, According To New Research https://www.mindbodygreen.com/articles/new-study-shows-contrast-avoidance-explains-relaxation-infused-anxiety
YourPrivatePhysician. (October 14, 2019). Relaxation makes worriers more anxious. http://www.yourprivatephysician.net/relaxation-makes-worriers-more-anxious/
the SWADDLE (October 14, 2019). People With Anxiety Sometimes Choose Worrying Over Relaxing as a Coping Mechanism. https://theswaddle.com/anxiety-disorder-relaxation-techniques/
MEDICALNEWSTODAY (October 14, 2019). Relaxation makes worriers more anxious. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/326646.php#1
davanti counseling (October 7, 2019) Why trying to relax can trigger your anxiety. https://davanticounselling.com/2019/10/07/why-trying-to-relax-can-trigger-your-anxiety/
KNOWRIDGE SCIENCE REPORT (October 7, 2019) Some people with anxiety choose to worry rather than to relax. https://knowridge.com/2019/10/some-people-with-anxiety-choose-to-worry-rather-than-to-relax/
Non perele (October 7, 2019) Some people with anxiety choose to worry rather than to relax. https://nonperele.com/some-people-with-anxiety-choose-to-worry-rather-than-to-relax/
Whimn Body+Soul (October 3, 2019). This is why trying to relax is making you more anxious. Isn't it ironic? https://www.bodyandsoul.com.au/health/health-news/this-is-why-trying-to-relax-is-actually-making-you-feel-more-anxious/news-story/2bec9bf54e17bb1351fdf52669cc4e82
Drew Reports News (October 3, 2019). Individuals with stress and anxiety might strategically choose stressing over relaxing. https://www.drewreportsnews.com/2019/10/03/individuals-with-stress-and-anxiety-might-strategically-choose-stressing-over-relaxing/
Chipur (October 2, 2019). Relaxation-Induced Anxiety: What & Why You Need to Know https://chipur.com/relaxation-induced-anxiety-what-why-you-need-to-know/
ScienceBeta (October 2, 2019). Some People With Anxiety Would Rather Worry Than Relax. https://sciencebeta.com/anxiety-preference-worry/
ZME Science (October 2, 2019) People with anxiety disorders worry about not being worried. https://www.zmescience.com/science/anxiety-disorder-relaxation-342143123/
VICE (October 2, 2019) Anxious People Also Get Anxious From Relaxing: There's a name for these feelings: relaxation-induced anxiety. https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/kz4nx9/relaxation-induced-anxiety-is-when-anxious-people-are-afraid-of-relaxing
Inverse (October 2, 2019). Afraid of losing control, anxious people may choose worrying over relaxing: Trying to relax may actually make some people more anxious, not less. https://www.inverse.com/article/59755-
IFL Science (October 2, 2019) Here's Why Some People With Anxiety Experience Worse Symptoms When Trying To Relax. https://www.iflscience.com/health-and-medicine/here-s-why-some-people-with-anxiety-experience-worse-symptoms-when-trying-to-relax/
Psychology today blog (October 1, 2019) Learning to "Expect Nothing" Reshaped My Pessimistic Mindset https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-athletes-way/201910/learning-expect-nothing-reshaped-my-pessimistic-mindset
STYLIST (October 1, 2019). This is why trying to relax causes even more anxiety, according to experts. https://www.stylist.co.uk/life/why-cant-i-relax-when-anxious-explained-by-experts-in-new-study/306586
Newsfeeds (October 1, 2019). People with anxiety may PREFER worrying to relaxing https://newsfeeds.media/people-with-anxiety-may-prefer-worrying-to-relaxing/
PsychCentral (October 1, 2019). Anxious People May Strategically Choose Worrying Over Relaxing. https://psychcentral.com/news/2019/10/01/anxious-people-may-strategically-choose-worrying-over-relaxing/150669.html
Daily Mail (October 1, 2019) Anxiety sufferers often PREFER worrying to relaxing ‘because it softens the blow when something bad happens’ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-7525721/People-anxiety-PREFER-worrying-relaxing.html
Penn State News (October 1, 2019) People with anxiety may strategically choose worrying over relaxing https://news.psu.edu/story/588426/2019/09/30/research/people-anxiety-may-strategically-choose-worrying-over-relaxing?utm_source=newswire&utm_medium=email&utm_term=590570_HTML&utm_content=09-30-2019-21-30&utm_campaign=Penn%20State%20Today
Sott.net (September 30, 2019). People with anxiety may strategically choose worrying over relaxing. https://www.sott.net/article/421409-People-with-anxiety-may-strategically-choose-worrying-over-relaxing
Science News (September 30, 2019) People with anxiety may strategically choose worrying over relaxing. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/09/190930114737.htm
PsychiatryAdvisor (September 20, 2019). Uncontrollability Beliefs Affect Efficacy of Interventions in Generalized Anxiety Disorder. https://www.psychiatryadvisor.com/home/topics/anxiety/uncontrollability-beliefs-affect-efficacy-of-interventions-in-generalized-anxiety-disorder/
Techxplore (September 5, 2019). Can computers be trained to understand body language? https://techxplore.com/news/2019-09-body-language.html
Penn State News (September 5, 2019) Can computers be trained to understand body language? https://news.psu.edu/story/585862/2019/09/03/research/can-computers-be-trained-understand-body-language
LaFreniere & Newman 2019 Behavior Therapy article Posted on the ABCT Website under CBT in the news http://www.abct.org/Information/?m=mInformation&fa=CBT_News
REAL TALK (August 19, 2019). Most things you worry about will never actually happen https://www.boxingscene.com/forums/showthread.php?t=824780
Elemental (by Medium) (August, 15, 2019). Most things you worry about will never actually happen.. https://elemental.medium.com/most-things-you-worry-about-will-never-actually-happen-83bff850c5f9
“Chuck and Kelly” (News Anchors). (August 15, 2019). Stop worrying! iHeart Radio. https://www.iheart.com/content/2019-08-15-stop-worrying/
The Bulletproof Musician. (August 11, 2019). How many of our worries actually come true? (Both a Podcast episode and an online written article cover the LaFreniere & Newman, 2019 study). https://bulletproofmusician.com/how-many-of-our-worries-actually-come-true/
Wake Up Charlotte, NC News. (August 9, 2019). Stressed? Worrying is a waste of your time, experts say (Video and article). https://www.wcnc.com/article/news/local/wake-up-charlotte/stressed-worrying-is-a-waste-of-your-time-experts-say/275-517236ed-b890-4cba-b671-827911a87f9f
Best Life. (August 8, 2019). New study shows 91 percent of fears don’t come true. https://bestlifeonline.com/anxiety-vs-reality-study/
Renew Counseling. (August 8, 2019). New study reveals a skill for dealing with anxiety. https://renew-counseling.org/skill-to-deal-with-anxiety/
The Ladders. (August 8, 2019). New study reveals the secret to dealing with anxiety. https://www.theladders.com/career-advice/new-study-reveals-the-secret-to-surprerssing-anxiety
Many radio news outlets wrote online articles about the LaFreniere & Newman 2019 study, linking to the Inc. article below, with many discussing it on air: Alt92.3 (New York City, NY), Big97.9 (Denver, CO), Loud103.3 (Fort Wayne, IN), Hits106 (Grand Island, NE), US103.5 (Tampa Bay, FL), 98PXY (Rochester, NY), XL102 (Richmond, VA).
Inc.: The Magazine for Growing Companies. (August 7, 2019). Always anxious? An eye-opening new study says this is how many of your worries will come true. https://www.inc.com/chris-matyszczyk/incredible-new-study-says-how-many-of-your-worries-will-come-true.html
Inverse. (August 4, 2019). Researchers prove that what you’re worried about isn’t likely to come true. https://www.inverse.com/article/58272-excessive-worrying-gad-why-most-negative-expectations-don-t-come-true
Quite Interesting (BBC Television). (August 2, 2019). 91.4% of anxious people’s worries never come to pass. (Associated Facebook post by Quite Interesting resulted in over 2,000 likes/reactions, 474 comments, and 590 shares; associated tweet by Quite Interesting resulted in 1,400 retweets and 6,900 likes on Twitter as of August 6th, 2019; https://twitter.com/qikipedia/status/1157969430573457408).
Romper (August 2, 2019). An organized home with kids is a major #goal, but are you focusing too much on it? an expert explains. https://www.romper.com/p/organized-home-with-kids-is-a-major-goal-but-are-you-focusing-too-much-on-it-expert-explains-18542726
Jennifer’s Daily Read. (July 30, 2019). Most of your worries are probably irrational. Retrieved from https://jennifersdailyread.com/2019/07/30/most-of-your-worries-are-probably-irrational/.
The New Nation (Bangladesh) (July 23, 2019) You've probably realized that the things you worry about rarely come true. Results from a recent study show just how unlikely.
Danielbrooksmoore (July 22, 2019). What does it mean to have a nervous breakdown? https://danielbrooksmoore.com/nowsthetime/2019/07/22/what-does-it-mean-to-have-a-nervous-breakdown/?print=print
TechTrends (July 21, 2019). VR Treating Mental Health Issues. https://medium.com/edtech-trends/vr-treating-mental-health-issues-9df92dd15799
Psychology Today. (July 19, 2019) How often do your worries actually come true? https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/think-act-be/201907/how-often-do-your-worries-actually-come-true (rated as an essential read by Psychology Today and shared on social media by Psychology Today).
Medium (July 18, 2019). What Does It Mean to Have a Nervous Breakdown? It’s not a formal condition. But life events that are both unpredictable and uncontrollable can leave people vulnerable. https://elemental.medium.com/what-does-it-mean-to-have-a-nervous-breakdown-4e3280d2e40b
Medium (June 18, 2019). A Journal of Abnormal Psychology Study Shows How Optimism and Perseverance Can Help You Limit Anxiety and Depression. https://medium.com/swlh/a-journal-of-abnormal-psychology-study-shows-how-optimism-and-perseverance-can-help-you-limit-58f64876230c
APA website (June 6, 2019) Wearable technology for mental health https://www.apa.org/members/content/wearable-technology
Flinn Foundation. (July 2019). Looking on the bright side: Cultivating a positive attitude for mental health. https://www.flinnfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/0719-Looking-on-the-Bright-Side.pdf
Epoch Times (May 22, 2019). Persistence and Optimism Protect Mental Health. https://www.theepochtimes.com/persistence-and-optimism-protect-mental-health_2920294.html
The Doctor will see you now (May 20, 2019). It pays to be tenacious. http://www.thedoctorwillseeyounow.com/content/anxiety/art5870.html
Psych Central (United States) Goal Persistence, Optimism Tied to Reduced Anxiety, Depression https://psychcentral.com/news/2019/05/10/goal-persistence-optimism-tied-to-reduced-anxiety-depression/145115.html
All4Women (South Africa) (May 6, 2019). Keep aiming for your life goals – it fends off depression and anxiety https://www.all4women.co.za/1745979/health/healthy-mind/keep-aiming-for-your-life-goals-it-fends-off-depression-and-anxiety
Psychology Today (May 4, 2019) Perseverance cultivates purposefulness and boosts resilience https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-athletes-way/201905/perseverance-cultivates-purposefulness-and-boosts-resilience
EurekAlert! (May 2, 2019) Perseverance toward life goals can fend off depression, anxiety, panic disorders: Looking on the bright side also acts as a safeguard, according to 18-year study. https://eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2019-05/apa-ptl042919.php
ScienceDaily (May 2, 2019) Perseverance toward life goals can fend off depression, anxiety, panic disorders: Looking on the bright side also acts as a safeguard, according to 18-year study. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/05/190502100852.htm
Newswise (May 2, 2019). Perseverance toward life goals can fend off depression, anxiety, panic disorders: Looking on the bright side also acts as a safeguard, according to 18-year study. https://www.newswise.com/articles/perseverance-toward-life-goals-can-fend-off-depression-anxiety-panic-disorders
American Psychological Association (May 2, 2019). Perseverance toward life goals can fend off depression, anxiety, panic disorders: Looking on the bright side also acts as a safeguard, according to 18-year study. https://www.apa.org/news/press/releases/2019/05/goals-perseverance
Time Magazine (April 9, 2019). Americans are obsessed with tidying up. but there's a downside to being organized http://time.com/5559039/organization-tidying-up-benefits/
MedicalHealthNews.net (Turkey) (March 26, 2019). National Study to Train mHealth on College Depression, Anxiety. http://www.medicalhealthnews.net/national-study-to-train-mhealth-on-college-depression-anxiety
P&T Community (March 25, 2019) SilverCloud Health's digital mental health platform selected for NIMH & Washington University research study. https://www.ptcommunity.com/wire/silvercloud-healths-digital-mental-health-platform-selected-nimh-washington-university-research
Washington University News Release (March 13, 2019). Mobile phone technology to screen, help treat college students. https://medicine.wustl.edu/news/mobile-phone-technology-to-screen-help-treat-college-students/
Techtrends (January 21, 2019). VR treating mental health issues. https://medium.com/edtech-trends/vr-treating-mental-health-issues-9df92dd15799
betterhelp (December 5, 2018). Ever Thought: Do I Have Anxiety Or Am I Just Worried? https://www.betterhelp.com/advice/anxiety/ever-thought-do-i-have-anxiety-or-am-i-just-worried/?utm_source=AdWords&utm_medium=Search_PPC_c&utm_term=_b&utm_content=77548444015&network=g&placement=&target=&matchtype=b&utm_campaign=6459244691&ad_type=text&adposition=6o3&gclid=Cj0KCQjwrfvsBRD7ARIsAKuDvMPJp12yBl8x7xGdjRxeIRcm4vvSCvxMVqPudizTRx1D7IOqX-0Q_GMaAgsmEALw_wcB
Accuweather (October 29, 2018). Top weather phobias explored: Millions of Americans experience these weather fears. https://www.accuweather.com/en/weather-news/top-weather-phobias-explored-millions-of-americans-experience-these-weather-fears/60912852
VR Nerds (Germany). Limbix: VR-Plattform zur psychotherapeutischen Behandlung https://www.vrnerds.de/limbix-vr-plattform-zur-psychotherapeutischen-behandlung/
Vice Mental Health published (August 24, 2018) How to tell if you should see a psychiatrist versus a psychologist: As a general rule, television shows and movies completely screw this up. https://tonic.vice.com/en_us/article/mb4wyp/difference-between-psychologist-psychiatrist
Washington Post (August 2, 2018). ‘An anxious nation’: Barnes & Noble sees a surge in sales of books about stress. https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2018/08/02/an-anxious-nation-barnes-noble-sees-surge-sales-books-about-stress/
Time Magazine, Special Mental Health Issue (July 23, 2018) How to help a friend or loved one: One of the best tools any one person has in coping with mental illness is the support of other people https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=ZGVmYXVsdGRvbWFpbnxtaWNoZWxsZWduZXdtYW58Z3g6NThiNTMzYTEzNDk3OTk3Yg
WKDZ radio (March 20, 2018). Weather fears and the beast. https://www.wkdzradio.com/2018/03/20/weather-fears-and-the-beast/
VICE (March 1, 2018). How to keep grief from spiraling into depression: “In some cultures, especially among men, it’s not common to acknowledge sadness.” https://tonic.vice.com/en_us/article/ywqe8j/difference-between-grief-and-depression
VICE (November 8, 2017) Nearly Half of People With Depression Also Have Anxiety: The disorders are co-dependent roommates in your brain. https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/8xqwbx/why-does-depression-usually-come-with-a-side-of-anxiety
HealthGenius (November 2, 2017). Online therapy apps are everywhere. Should you try one? https://www.policygenius.com/blog/can-online-therapy-replace-the-couch/
Menshealth (August 15, 2017). Its national relaxation day. Here are 7 science-backed ways to chill out. We talked to doctors about the best ways to loosen up http://www.menshealth.com/health/best-ways-to-relax-national-relaxation-day
Vice Mental Health (August 7, 2017). Nearly half of people with depression also have anxiety: The disorders are co-dependent roommates in your brain. https://tonic.vice.com/en_us/article/8xqwbx/why-does-depression-usually-come-with-a-side-of-anxiety
True Viral News (Russia) Its National Relaxation Day. Here Are 7 Science-Backed Ways to Chill Out
MDedge/Psychiatry (June 15, 2017). Tweaking CBT to boost outcomes in GAD. https://www.mdedge.com/psychiatry/article/140586/anxiety-disorders/tweaking-cbt-boost-outcomes-gad
Huffington Post (April 12, 2017). This simple hack may help with anxiety. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/this-simple-hack-might-help-alleviate-anxiety_us_58ecf8b5e4b0c89f9121bdd6
Medscape (April 10, 2017). ‘Worry journal’ significantly eases anxiety http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/878427
Here & Now (March 28, 2017). In times of change, how to deal with the daily wave of worry. https://www.wbur.org/hereandnow/2017/03/28/politics-why-we-worry
India Times (December 16, 2016) Mental healthcare; An untapped chance for startups. http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/goa/Mental-healthcare-an-untapped-chance-for-startups/articleshow/56008855.cms
APA Monitor (November 16, 2016). Should you use an app to help that client? As the use of mental health and behavioral apps grows, psychologists must weigh their benefits and limitations. https://www.apa.org/monitor/2016/11/client-app
Accuweather (October 12, 2016) Top weather phobias explored: Millions of Americans experience these weather fears. https://www.accuweather.com/en/weather-news/top-weather-phobias-explored-millions-of-americans-experience-these-weather-fears/60912852
Men’sHealth (July 27, 2016). 7 big things every guy in his 20’s worries about but shouldn’t: Shrug off these problems and kick more ass instead. https://www.menshealth.com/trending-news/g19525796/7-things-every-young-guy-worries-about/
San Antonio Express News (May 16, 2016). Worried? You are not alone https://www.expressnews.com/news/bonus-content/article/Worried-You-re-not-alone-7499174.php
New York Times (May 9, 2016 ). Worried? You are not alone. http://nyti.ms/23CyOp8
Division 44 Newsletter(April 2016). Concealing sexual orientation is connected to social phobia: Concealing one's sexual orientation is a coping strategy for stigma and threat due to minority status, but it comes at a cost. https://www.apadivisions.org/division-44/publications/newsletters/division/2016/04/social-phobia
ECN (September 10, 2015). Technology Helps Prevent and Treat Anxiety. https://www.ecnmag.com/news/2015/09/technology-helps-prevent-and-treat-anxiety
Medical Xpress (September 9, 2015). Mental health advocates use technology to prevent and treat anxiety. https://medicalxpress.com/news/2015-09-mental-health-advocates-technology-anxiety.html
Penn State IT News (August 11, 2015) Blending psychology and technology: Mental health advocates at Penn State use technology to prevent and treat anxiety. https://news.psu.edu/story/368511/2015/09/08/impact/blending-psychology-and-technology?utm_source=newswire&utm_medium=email&utm_term=368746_HTML&utm_content=09-08-2015-21-48&utm_campaign=Penn%2520State%2520Today
TIME magazine (June 24, 2015). You asked: Do I worry too much? http://time.com/3931806/worrying-anxiety-stress/?xid=emailshare
Scroll (March 18, 2015). on computer therapy research http://scroll.in/.
Businessweek Magazine (January 2015). on computer therapy research.
SELF Magazine (January 2015). On computer therapy research.
New York Times (October 24, 2014). Lantern, a start-up, offers online therapy for anxiety and more. https://www.nytimes.com/2014/10/24/business/lantern-a-start-up-offers-online-therapy-for-anxiety-and-more.html?smprod=nytcore-iphone&smid=nytcore-iphone-share.
TechCrunch (May 4, 2014) ThriveOn wants to make mental health care affordable and accessible. http://techcrunch.com/2014/05/04/thriveon/
Columbia Chronicle of Columbia College Chicago (April 21, 2014) Chronic anxiety. https://columbiachronicle.com/fad80af2-c78c-11e3-b3e2-0017a43b2370
RewireMe.com, March 2014 (computer anxiety research)
EdSurge (May 23, 2013) Teaching behavior: Can technology succeed where humans have failed? https://www.edsurge.com/news/2013-05-23-teaching-behavior-can-technology-succeed-where-humans-have-failed
Valley, Penn State's Life and Style Magazine, February 2013 (anxiety research)
Good Housekeeping Magazine, May 2011 (CBT for GAD research)
The Chronicle of Neurology & Psychiatry: March 2003. A clinical news journal for Canadian specialists in neurology, psychiatry, and related fields. (Psychotherapy for GAD).
The Centre Daily Times, August, 2001 (anxiety research).
Family Circle Magazine, March 1999 (anxiety research).
Prevention Magazine: October 1998 pp. 93-99. (humor research)
Arthritis Today Magazine: Interviewed April 1998 (humor research).
Redbook Magazine: May 1998 (anxiety research).
Humor and Health Journal: March/April 1998 (humor research).
Clinical Psychiatry News: December 1997 (computer-assisted therapy).
The APA Monitor: September 1997 (humor research).
Prevention: May 1997, p. 30. (humor research).
Town & Gown: February 1997 (anxiety research).
Health: September 1996 (humor research).
Sesame Street Parents: September 1996 (anxiety research).
Journal of the National Cancer Institute: March 1995 (humor research).
Life Times: Spring 1995 (GAD research).
Prof. Newman's Accomplishments
Radio and Television Interviews
WPSU Conversations Live program on Seasonal Affective Disorder Aired February 22, 2018: https://wpsu.psu.edu/tv/programs/conversationslive/seasonal-affective-disorder/
National Public Radio for the program “Here & Now” Aired March 28, 2017 (Worry research): http://www.wbur.org/hereandnow/2017/03/28/politics-why-we-worry
The above broadcast was also publicized on the Association for Anxiety and Depression of America website; https://www.adaa.org/adaa-members-in-the-news#2017
National Public Radio for the program “The Infinite Mind: April 2001. (computer-assisted therapy research).
Medstar (Syndicated medical series for TV news January 1998 (humor research).
ABC News “The Post” (new newsmagazine TV show): January 1998 (computer-assisted therapy research).
National Public Radio for the program “To the Best of Our Knowledge”: October 1997 (humor research).
CNN Headline News: March 1994 (computer-assisted therapy & panic disorder research).
Health Matters: January 1994. (computer-assisted therapy & panic disorder research)
Honors and Awards
2021 - Recognized as an Expertscape World Expert in Anxiety Disorders. Based on PubMed algorithm that places me in the top 0.1% of scholars writing about Anxiety Disorders over the past 10 years. https://expertscape.com/ex/anxiety+disorders
2020 - Fellow, Association for Psychological Science for sustained and outstanding distinguished contributions to psychological science.
2019 – Raymond Lombra Award for Distinction in the Social or Life Sciences. This award recognizes a tenured faculty member of the Penn State University College of the Liberal Arts who, by his or her outstanding work in the field of social or life sciences, has demonstrated excellence in research and scholarship.
2019 – Toy Caldwell-Colbert Award for Distinguished Educator in Clinical Psychology from American Psychological Association Society of Clinical Psychology (Division 12). For excellence in mentoring clinical psychology graduate students, interns, postdoctoral fellows and junior faculty and providing outstanding support, encouragement, and promoting education and training, professional and personal development, and career guidance to junior colleagues.
2018 – Outstanding Service Award from Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies This award was for “my vision and leadership in expanding the reach and impact of ABCT’s flagship journal, Behavior Therapy”
2016 – Fellow, Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies
2013, 2014 Certificate of appreciation for distinguished service as chair of the Society of Clinical Psychology (Division 12) Fellowship Committee.
2012 – Fellow, American Psychological Association Society of Psychotherapy (Division 29).
2011 – Fellow, American Psychological Association Society of Clinical Psychology (Division 12).
2010 – Beck Institute Scholar. Beck Institute for Cognitive Therapy and Research. Fellowship program for individuals who have and will make significant contributions to the field of cognitive therapy.
2009 – Distinguished Publication of Psychotherapy Research Award from the American Psychological Association. Society of Psychotherapy (Division 29): This award recognizes the first author of the best published peer reviewed empirical article on psychotherapy in the preceding calendar year.
2006 – Samuel M. Turner Clinical Research Award from the American Psychological Association. Society of Clinical Psychology (Division 12). For distinguished contribution to research in applied clinical psychology
1989 – Nominated to Sigma Xi the honors society for researchers
1981 – Phi Beta Kappa
1980 – Exchange Student, Oxford University
Grants and Awards
1996-1998 Co-Investigator, NIMH Grant 2RO1MH39172-12. Desensitization and cognitive therapy in general anxiety. PI: Thomas D. Borkovec, Direct Cost: 489,958. Percent Effort: 10%. The goal of this project was to pilot test a therapy that combined cognitive behavioral, interpersonal and emotional processing techniques for generalized anxiety disorder.
1996-1998 Co-Investigator, Interdisciplinary Seed Grant. Obtaining behavioral science data through the internet: A study of validity and reliability. PI: Ray Palmer. Direct Cost: $3,000. The goal of this project was to determine the validity and reliability of specific self-report assessment devices administered over the Internet.
1998-2000 Principal investigator, Research and Graduate Studies Offices Grant, College of Liberal Arts, Penn State University. The efficacy of palmtop computer assisted therapy for panic disorder. Direct cost: $2,500.00. The goal of this study is to compare the efficacy of bibliotherapy to brief palmtop computer assisted therapy for panic disorder.
1998-2003 Co- investigator, NIMH Grant RO1 MH58593-02. Cognitive and interpersonal therapies for generalized anxiety. PI: Thomas D. Borkovec. Direct cost: $ 1,485,000. Percent Effort: 20%. The goal of this study is to compare the impact of cognitive behavioral therapy alone to combined cognitive behavioral therapy plus interpersonal/experiential therapy for generalized anxiety disorder.
2004-2005 Co- investigator, The Pennsylvania State University Children, Youth, and Family Consortium Grant. Racial disparities in college adjustment, engagement and performance. PI: T. Vescio. Direct cost: $25,562.
2004-2005 Principal Investigator, The Pennsylvania State University Children, Youth, and Family Consortium Grant. Web-based treatment of child anxiety. Direct cost: $24,200.
June 2005-2008 Co-investigator NICHD RFA U01HD051217, Work, stress, health and parenting among hotel employees. PI: Ann Crouter. Direct cost: $1, 049, 545. Percent effort 5-10%.
January 2006-2009 Consultant, NIH R34, Combined treatment for GAD. PI: Paul Crits-Christoph, University of Pennsylvania
February 2011-2014 Co-investigator, The Pennsylvania State University Social Science Research Institute Level I grant. Extending EMA Studies to Populations with Psychopathology: An Outpatient Pilot Study. PI: Aaron Pincus. Direct cost: $4,920.00
September 2011-2016 Member Data Safety and Monitoring Board. Adding Motivational Interviewing to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Severe Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Canadian Institute for Health Research. PI: Henny Westra, York University.
October 2011-2016 Principal Investigator, The Pennsylvania State University Social Science Research Institute Level I grant. The brain mechanisms of maladaptive repetitive thought and its effects on emotional processing: An fMRI pilot study. Direct cost: $5,000.00
July 2012-August 2016 Co-Mentor K23 Career Development Award, A novel intervention to improve treatment adherence in bipolar disorder. Awarded to Susan Wenze at Brown University.
March 2011-2015 Principal Investigator, The Pennsylvania State University Social Science Research Institute Level I grant. An interdisciplinary research team for momentary assessment and intervention of perseverative thought processes. Direct cost: $4,940.00
July 2011-August 2017 Principal Investigator NSF 1110970 (2011-2012) and Co-Prinicipal Investigator (2012-2017), SoCS: Studying the Computability of Emotions by Harnessing Massive Online Social Data. Total cost: $720,821.00
August 2012-August 2016 Co-Investigator, The Pennsylvania State University Social Science Research Institute Level II grant. Validity and clinical utility of intensive repeated measures assessment. PI Ken Levy. Direct cost: $30,000.00
July 2012-August 2017 Co-Investigator NSF 1110970, SoCS: Studying the Computability of Emotions by Harnessing Massive Online Social Data. NEU supplement for support for "Research Experiences for Undergraduates" Total cost: $ 96,000.00. PI: James Wang.
April 2014-March 2018 Principal Investigator Cancer Control and Population Health Program of the Penn State Hershey Cancer Institute Seed Funding, Multi-Modal Emotion Blogging and Social Networking for Cancer Survivors. Total cost: $25,000.00
December 2016-present Co-investigator IST Research Seed Grant. Emotion and Mental State Estimation. Total Cost $56, 000.00
2018-2022- Faculty Associate: Center for Innovation in Intensive Longitudinal Studies (CIILS) #197565. Faculty Associate. U24. PI: Sy-Min Chow. Total Cost: 1,873,420.
2018-2023 - Principal Investigator: NIMH: 1R01MH115128-01A1 Harnessing Mobile Technology to Reduce Mental Health Disorders in College Populations. Total Cost $ 3,758,599, 1.8 academic Months.
2019-2021-Principal Investigator: Contract with Limbix Efficacy of Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy Scripts for Social Phobia. Total Cost $15,000.
2019-2021-Co-Investigator: NSF: #1921783 CCRI: Planning: Planning to Develop a Body Language Dataset for the Artificial Intelligence Research Community. Total Cost $100,000. .25 Summer Salary Effort. PI: James Wang.
January 2020-December 2023-Co-investigator: Penn State University Center for Social Data Analytics and College of Information Sciences and Technology (Internal Seed). Emotion in Motion — A Data Infrastructure for Computational Modeling and Recognition of Bodily Expression of Emotion. Total cost $35,000. PI: James Wang
Jan 2014-Dec 2017 Behavior Therapy
Associate Editor
Jan 2009-Dec 2013 Behavior Therapy
Jan 2018-p Journal of Anxiety Disorders
Editorial Committee
Jan 2018-Dec 2022 Annual Review of Clinical Psychology
Editorial Board
2013-p Health Behavior and Policy Review (Founding member of the board)
2012-p American Journal of Health Behavior
2010-p Psychotherapy Research
2001-p Behavior Therapy
2001-p Cognitive Therapy and Research
2005-2011 Cognitive and Behavioral Practice
2001-2004 Journal of Clinical Psychology
Review Board
1996-2012 American Journal of Health Behavior
Guest Editor
1999 – Journal of Clinical Psychology. Special Series entitled "Contemporary Challenges and New Directions in Psychotherapy".
2004 – Journal of Clinical Psychology. Special Series entitled: “Technology and Psychotherapy”.
2012 – Behavior Therapy. Special Series entitled: “Breaking the Glass Ceiling”.
2014 – Behavior Therapy. Special Series entitled: “Two-Way Bridge Between Science and Practice”.
2016 – Behavior Therapy. Special series for 50th Anniversary Issue of Behavior Therapy.
Ad Hoc Reviewer
Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica
Archives of General Psychiatry
Biological Psychology
Behaviour Research and Therapy
Clinical Psychology Review
Depression and Anxiety
Cognition & Emotion
Health Psychology
Journal of Abnormal Psychology
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology
Journal of Counseling Psychology
Psychiatry Research
Psychological Assessment
Psychological Bulletin
Professional and Scientific Committee Memberships
1998 – Member of the assessment (core battery) committee of a Clinical Research Network sponsored by the Pennsylvania Psychological Association
1999 – Special NIH subcommittee to develop a template for effectiveness research. This includes developing a multi-purpose treatment manual and research protocol to be used for primary care interventions.
1999 – Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy Program Committee
2001 – North American Society for Psychotherapy Research Selection
2000 -p – Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy Task Force to Develop Common Psychotherapy Language
2001-p – American Psychological Association Division 12 Task Force on Defining Principles of Therapeutic Change (TFDPTC).
2009 – Association for the Advancement of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy Program Committee
2010-2011 – American Psychological Association, Division 12 Nominations and Elections Committee
2009-p – American Psychological Association Two-way Bridge Committee, co-sponsored by Division 12 and Division 29.
October 2011-2012 – Committee member, American Psychological Association Division 12 Fellowship Committee.
2015 – Society of Ambulatory Assessment Program Committee August
2012-2016 – Chair, American Psychological Association Division 12 Fellowship Committee
2013-2017 – Association for the Advancement of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy Publications Committee
2013-2018 – Association for the Advancement of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy Program Committee
2016-2018 – Anxiety and Depression Association of America Program Committee
2016-p – Anxiety and Depression Association of America Co-Chair Poster Committee and
2017-2018 – Conference Committee
Grant Review
December 1998 – NIH Special Emphasis Panel
Oct 1999-June 2001 – Reviewer for NIH study section on Behavioral and Biobehavioral Processes 5 (Adult Psychopathology)
March 2003 – NIH Special Emphasis Panel
May 2003 – Reviewer for NIMH Loan Repayment Program Applications
October 2004 – NIH Special Emphasis Panel
March 2006 – Reviewer for NIH panel for predoctoral, postdoctoral, and minority fellowship applications.
February 2010 – NIH Interventions Review Committee for Adult Mood and Anxiety Disorders, ad hoc reviewer
September 2016-2018 – American Psychological Foundation Review Committee for David H. and Beverly A. Barlow Grant.
Visiting Scholar
August 1998 – University of Queensland, Queensland, Australia